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Q + A: Actor Florence Adebambo Discusses 'Nay Day' ahead of its DIFF Screening and her Discovery Award Nomination

Derek Ugochukwu's 'Nay Day' will screen at Dublin International Film Festival this year as part of the 'In Transit' shorts programme.

We chatted with lead actor Florence Adebambo who plays Naomi, about her experience on the short, her nomination for the DIFF Discovery Award and her thoughts on the short's subject matter.

What originally drew you to the project?

What drew me most to this role was the incredible script and the vision of writer-director Derek Ugochukwu. I was already familiar with his work and had been a big fan, especially You're Not Home (2022), which I found to be a powerful and unique portrayal of the direct provision system in Ireland.

What was the biggest challenge when taking on this role?

I found the character development probably the most challenging part but yet one of the most exciting and fun aspects of the role, as I got to explore the complexities of Naomi and really immerse myself into one of the most dynamic characters I've played.

Were there any scenes that were particularly memorable to shoot?

The scene where Naomi is in the home of the perpetrator was quite memorable for me and also emotional. I remember being overwhelmed by the sheer emotions of rage and sadness for her character as she prepares for what seems to be a revenge attack.

Is there anything you hope the audience takes away from the film?

While the short film is fictional, the theme of violence against women is very much real and sadly this is the reality for many women around the world so hopefully it gets people to think more about the ways one can support causes dedicated to it. I hope it also sparks conversations about the frustrations that come with the limits of the justice system in some cases.

"I hope it also sparks conversations about the frustrations that come with the limits of the justice system in some cases."

What do you think about the younger generations of today and their desire to become TikTok stars?

I think it's really cool. I love watching TikTok myself, but I find it has its pros and cons. I think it's cool how people can creatively express themselves and create a sense of community online through creating content targeting niche audiences and the skills that come with it. But I feel like it also creates pressure to constantly produce content, chase trends, and gain approval through likes and views, which can affect mental health and self-worth.

Congratulations on your DIFF Discovery Award Nomination! How does it feel to be spotlighted as one to watch in the next generation of Irish filmmakers?

Thank you so much, it's so awesome and I really didn't expect it at all! I feel like just having the film in DIFF festival is already so cool, but it’s a great encouragement because as an actor-artist, one can doubt themselves and their talents, so it puts me at ease and allows me to realise I shouldn't be so hard on myself and kind of tap myself on the back and say, "I'm on a good path!"

We wish Florence the best of luck at the DIFF Discovery Awards, alongside 'Nay Day's cinematographer Albert Hooi, who has also been nominated!

Albert Hooi and Florence Adebambo on the set of 'Nay Day'
Albert Hooi and Florence Adebambo on the set of 'Nay Day'

'Nay Day' will be screening on Tuesday 25th February as a part of the 'DIFF Shorts 2 - In Transit' Programme and tickets are available to purchase here.

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